Difference between organic and local produce? 

Organic food is made without any chemical fertilisers or harmful pesticides. Organic agriculture practices aim to cycle resources, promote ecological balance and preserve biodiversity.

However, foods grown with chemical pesticides still contain pesticide residues, eventually absorbed by everyone who consumes them. On impact, these residues are safe and within the legal limits, but over time, they bioaccumulate and have detrimental consequences on health.

According to research, continuous exposure to chemical pesticides (including their residues) increases the risk of cancer, reproductive harm, and cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Additionally, ingesting pesticides can be blamed for the current rise in autoimmune disease and gluten sensitivity. 

What are the benefits?

  • Health benefits of eating organic: It contains higher nutrient profiles with nutrient-rich soil and more beneficial microorganisms. 
  • Environmental benefits of organic farming: Pesticides harm beneficial soil microorganisms and other wildlife.
  • Social benefits of organic farming: Harmful pesticides can affect the farmers who don’t have sufficient access to healthcare nor the political power to advocate for safer working conditions. 

How do you know if the products are organic?

Before you buy or claim anything organic, you must notice the attached USDA certificate that ensures that crops are not genetically modified and all the products are without GMOs

It's not always fair to conclude that something isn't organic just because it isn't labelled as such; in some instances, small farmers follow organic procedures but cannot afford to certify them formally.

You can get to know the local farmers’ market producers and talk to them about their farming practices.

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